Blog Where Art Meets Code

How to Create QR Code That is Aesthetic for Free

Discover how to create QR code art for free using AIQrArt. Elevate your black and white QR codes, and unlock the power of AI creativity.

Whether you want to promote your business, share contact information, or ask for responses to a form, AIQrArt empowers you to do it with style. 

How to Create QR Code Art for Free with AIQrArt

Getting started with just a few simple steps:

Step 1: Register an Account on AIQrArt

Step 2: Create a Black and White QR Code

Step 3: Prompt to Make It Aesthetic

AIQrArt’s AI-powered features allow you to turn that plain QR code into a work of art. With just a few clicks, you can choose from various AI models, input your own prompts, and set your desired creativity level. 


Choose a Ready-to-Use Template

If you’re looking for a quicker solution, AIQrArt offers a diverse collection of ready-to-use templates. These templates cater to various industries and styles, ensuring that your QR code art aligns perfectly with your brand or message. 

Additional Features

But wait, there’s more! Here are some additional features that make it a must-try tool:


Want to showcase your QR code designs to a wider audience? AIQrArt’s Marketplace is the perfect platform. You can display, trade, and gain recognition for your QR code masterpieces.

Affiliate Program

Share it with others and earn rewards through our affiliate program. The comprehensive dashboard makes it easy to track your earnings and referrals.


Data is power, and with AIQrArt, you gain access to first-party data and advanced analytics directly from your QR codes. Monitor scans, observe trends, and understand user behavior, allowing you to make informed decisions.

Aesthetic QR Code Art Awaits!

Now you know how to create QR Code Art that looks aesthetic and still functional. With its user-friendly platform and powerful AI customization, AIQrArt is not only a QR code generator, it makes them look unforgettable.

Join the QR code art revolution!

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